YaraMila™ WINNER™ (Your quality NPK fertilizer for fruits and vegetables)
YaraMila™ WINNER™ is an excellent combination of Nitrogen.
Nitrate Nitrogen is immediately available to the plant and its uptake is rapid. Ammonium Nitrogen is a little slower in availability to the plant as it needs to be converted in the soil to Nitrate Nitrogen.
This means that the Nitrogen forms in YaraMila™ WINNER™ are a combination of quicker and slower availability. This balance helps ensure the crop the best opportunity for rapid growth, higher yields and larger produce.
YaraMila™ WINNER™ is a combination of Potassium Chloride (65%) and Potassium Sulphate (35%). It is important for all crops and gives the plant tolerance to both stress and diseases. It dissolves quickly. It has excellent handling and spreading properties.
Formula : NPK 15-9-20 +1.8 MgO, +9.5 SO
3, +0.015 B, +0.02 Mn, +0.02 Zn.